Monday, November 7, 2011

Training Schedule

Here's what I'm going to do in order to try to increase my max constant weight depth from 220 ft to 300 ft:

  • Begin aerobic base training
    • mainly long, slow bike rides
  • Begin weight training
    • lift a few times a week as a second priority to cardio work
  • Apex of aerobic base training
    • Goal: 100 mile bike ride mid-month
  • Begin harder cardio work
    • intervals, working to (supposed) VO2 max, etc
  • Continue with weights
  • Final month of dry land training
  • Aerobic workouts
    • Goal: 18:30 5K
  • Weight lifting/ strength training (becoming priority over cardio)
    • Goal: 20 pullups (increasing squat performance is a more prominent concern, but this is only a goal if I buy more weights for my "home gym")

  • Begin apnea and in-water training
    • statics, FRC, VW dives
  • Continue with brief cardio or weight circuits a few times a week

  • Conclude training by month's end.
    • Goal: 300ft/91m constant weight dive

  • stretching and breathing
    • Goal: increase TLC to 11L and increase FRC depth to 40m
  • Priority is always given to spearfishing on days with variables or other favorable conditions

    As you can see, I'm not even concerned about getting in the water for the first 60% of my training period.  Hopefully this works.  It seems similar to what some other top divers do (such as Herbert Nitsch and Tanya Streeter).
    Send me a message if you have your own program, and make sure to check out the Deeper Perspectives Podcast for updates.  I'll update progress on this blog also.

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