Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

I wanted to write a blog about last weekend's spearfishing tournament, but I never typed more than a sentence or two before erasing it and starting over.  I could probably write a whole novel on each tournament, with all the scouting and planning, then the things that run afoul, and sometimes maybe even a chapter for things that go right.  I don't know how to attack that in a blog, so I decided to write about something I have a clear stance on: Valentine's Day.
There are a few holidays that I especially like.  Valentine's Day sticks in my head as one of them.  Memorial Day is another.  New Years Day is also a good one.  I can remember many good dives on all these days.  The weather always seems to be good on those days.  This Valentine's Day is no exception, with the forecast being variables or at most light trades.  My birthday usually has good weather.  There are a lot of days in between that I can't quite recall that have been pretty good too.  I guess any day is a good day for diving.

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